Valentine Andromeda

Aether: Sargatanas ❣ RDM ❣ Culinarian

he/him • 23 • gay, taken

Extra Info/fun facts

Valentine is very polite and upholds the etiquette of a gentleman. He is not super verbal due to his quiet nature as well as a vocal injury, but speaks when necessary. He's a great listener. He can be overwhelmed easily, and doesn't like conflict. This leads him to holding his feelings inside, shutting others out without even meaning to. To those he is close to, he shows upmost loyalty.

  • Lovecore: associated with the color red, preferably rolanberry in hue (its his favorite color AND fruit) and will only wear things that are white, red, pink, and black

  • Savoring the Realm: he is studying to be a pastry chef, he loves baking sweets

  • Notable Marks: scar on his cheek is from a knife in a kitchen mishap :/

  • Cat-like Tendencies: prone to purring when receiving affection, especially in a romantic/sensual way, like he can be trying to talk and he is still purring, but he gets very embarrased by it don't point it out he might cry :'( also has an expressive tail! Those ears do be wiggling too! They betray him at times when he isn't trying to show a particular emotion. But please don't pet him or touch his ears without asking; he usually only lets his boyfriends do that.

  • Bashful: gets flustered from holding hands!!

  • Etc: owns a diary, loves moogles, can't dance well but knows how

Notable Relationships


O'ivur Hee ( imptris ) •

O’ivur is Valentine’s comrade, best friend and lover. Since his first vision of him he had due to the Echo, Valentine likens O’ivur’s presence to pure sunshine and warmth--something he had not experienced much in his home in Ishgard where coincidentally they first met. O’ivur has contributed to much of Valentine’s growth as a person in terms of opening up and trusting others, as well as physical strength and confidence in his abilities. Valentine trusts O’ivur with his life and would do anything to protect him and keep him smiling. He's the only person that Valentine feels truly understands him and his past even though they both come from vastly different backgrounds.

• Aymeric de Borel •

At a young age, Valentine knew who Aymeric was given the status he held and the rumors circulating him. But he always admired the lord commander and thought him handsome and kind, and definitely helped him realize he is exclusively interested in men. It was always a daydream of his to be able to cater to nobility like Ser Aymeric as a pastry chef… Imagine his surprise when Aymeric winds up preparing dinner for him and O’ivur and dotes on them both as Warriors of Light. The two Miqo’te are a package deal after all. Valentine loves when the three of them can eat and snuggle together.

✦Family and Friends✦

• Aurora Andromeda •
Valentine’s adoptive mother. She was once apart of Ishgard’s vast army along with Celeste and Lyra, and has since retired from fighting. She is one of Ishgard’s most revered performers and a fashion icon, a passionate perfectionist in her craft. She maintains some discipline that was instilled in her from her past, but Valentine proved to be her weak spot. To this day, Valentine visits her frequently and always makes her favorite cake for her Nameday.
• Venus Andromeda •
Adoptive sister of Valentine. She too was taken in by the House of Andromeda after losing her birth parents three years prior to Valentine’s arrival. She had discovered many things about herself and identity, including her gender as well as her love of song and dance. However, she is a bit timid. Valentine was always the first one she would show her new routines to, even when he could not yet speak. They shared a room together for many years, know each other's secrets, and both trust and respect each other immensely. They keep in close contact with each other.
• Hilda Ware •
Valentine first met Hilda at a young age, around 10, when he was trusted to play and run errands by himself in the Foundation. Due to his Miqo'te features standing out in a city occupied majority by elezen, he was prone to being gawked at and teased by other children (and some immature adults). He had begun to wear hats to cover his ears and coats that would hide his tail. Hilda was there to stand up to some bullies in the Brume one day after Valentine's hat was knocked over and his shopping money was going to be stolen. Noticing they weren't so different, they became good friends. She eased his anxiety about his appearance and promised that she would be watching out for him; no need for him to stuff his ears into a scratchy hat any longer.
• X’rhun Tia •
Valentine very much sees X’rhun as a father figure. He was initially drawn to the job of Red Mage because of the appeal of the gear (being raised in a family of drag queens will cause a passion for fashion), but he also noticed X’rhun’s helpful disposition and how he readily helps those in need. Charming, kind, and chivalrous–the perfect picture of the gentleman Valentine was taught to be. He respects and admires the older Miqo’te immensely.
What Valentine loves most about even having association with the Scions is that they truly are a grand and diverse group of people. He has been having plenty of practice opening himself up to others with each member who has existed or enters the order of warriors and scholars.
Aguri Kusushi
Upon first meeting Aguri, Valentine could quickly sense and empathize with her reserved nature and reluctance to trust others. Knowing it would be rude to pry, he tries to pick up pieces from conversations around him as to what has shaped the Aguri that stands before them today. He knows for certain there has been much pain in her life, and finds himself wanting to be closer to her and be a listening ear or even a shoulder to lean on should she need it.


On an especially chilling night in the housing distric of Ishgard, an infant was left on the doorstep of the House of Andromeda: the lodging of a group of ex-soldiers turned entertainers and artists. A young Elezen emerges, no older than 13, and calls for her mother. They bring in the child, a Miqo'te male, along with a note that was left inside the basket it slept in:"I'm sorry, but I could think of no where else to go. I'm ill, I cannot care for this baby. I've loved your shows in the past; please give him the happiness and motherly love that I could not. Thank you"The entertainers, a small group of beautiful queens that routinely bring joy to bars and establishments across Ishgard, now found themselves with a tiny new member of the family.The child was given the name Valentine for his pink and white hair and sweet demeanor and as a unique play on Saint Valentione. Naturally he took the Andromeda name as well. He was most often dressed in fancy clothes sewn by Lyra or Celeste, the resident seamstresses and Valentine's aunts. Aurora, already mother of the house, was swift to take him under her wing and care for him like he were her own. She taught him manners and both the etiquette of a gentleman as well as a lady. Venus, the teen and second youngest of the family, quietly took on the role as big sister (and more often than not was left to babysit). While not of noble class like in the Pillars, the House of Andromeda is well kept and the ladies do all that they can to provide the best for Valentine.At a young age, Valentine developed an interest in baking and crafting gourmet deserts. His family started a savings fund for him to study at the Culinarian guild in Limsa Lominsa for a few years. He began his studies in his early adulthood, not having left home before that time. It was a culture shock to say the least, and not long after he secured lodgings and began his courses, he was awakened with the Echo.The experience in of itself was moreso traumatic for him and rendered him unable to complete his studies. He returned home to Ishgard, sporting a scar from a kitchen mishap and an inability to speak longer than a few words. Needless to say, his family was worried for him and would not let him out of their sight for a while.Valentine has never disclosed the contents of the his vision to anyone, but at least once a week following it he would see it again in his dreams at night. A young man, a miqo'te like himself but with warm skin and striking eyes, was always the focus. He dreamed of parts of Eorzea he had never traveled to before, people he had never known, and events that would cause him to wake in a sweat. He kept all of this logged in his journal and parts eerily match actual recorded events of one particular Warrior of Light, who happens to make his way to Ishgard where the two will have a fated meeting. And from there, Valentine will be swept in an adventure he could have only dreamed of...

Valentine is my main WOL, as of now my fiance and I are in a WOLship and are working to complete the MSQ together!I am not technically an RP account but I am open to casual interaction and group convos in character. Val is a bit quiet and speaks only when necessary.I'm still very much a sprout, only have been subbed for a little over a year now! Pls be gentle lol

shy ✦ they/he ✦ mid 20s

under construction!